
Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm Inside a Snow Globe!

Forty-five degree wind chills and a sick momma meant a long week spent inside.  A little disappointing since the majority of our science lesson this week was to go on a nature walk and explore the different kinds of trees in our area.  Since spending time outdoors this week was scratched, I thought what better way to connect the kids with the different trees outside than to bring them in? Why not create a snow globe using tree clippings found in our backyard....starring them!  I quickly ran outside and snipped a few small branches off of the different evergreens that we had in our back yard, threw a hat on AG, took a quick picture and we put together this awesome "I'm Inside a Snow Globe!" project and were able to explore the different kinds of trees without having to brave the frigid temperatures outdoors.

What you will need:
  • A mason jar, preferably with a wide mouth 
  • A picture of your child, cut out 
  • Tree clippings from outside 
  • Glitter! 
  • Hot glue gun 
  1. Glue your child's picture to the lid of the mason jar. 
  2. Fill the mason jar to the top with water.
  3. Add glitter, tree clippings and anything else you would like. 
  4. Slip the picture through the opening and screw closed. 
  5. Shake! and enjoy.


  1. That's an adorable idea! The kids and I are definitely going to do this.

  2. How did you get the ink not to run and the photo to stay in tact?

    1. They didn't do anything special that I remember.


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