
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

DIY Montessori Sand Writing and Drawing Tray

DIY sand writing tray, learn the letter A, montessori, alphabet, colored sand

Yay!  This was such an awesome DIY for our family.  Our son just turned four years old has been showing a very strong interest in learning his letters and after struggling with the traditional pencil and paper method, I knew this would be a lot easier for him to learn with.  Lucky me, we own almost every Melissa and Doug product on the market so I had absolutely no problem finding the perfect tray for this project! 

     Melissa and Doug toy tray

What You Will Need:
  • Sand, salt or rice.
  • Alphabet cards.
  • A shallow box.  I used an old Melissa and Doug box from a wooden pie set.
  • A writing tool (finger is actually best)
How To Make It:
There really was nothing to this and the only step I feel I should share is that I painted the Melissa and Doug box black, but only because I felt the box would be less distracting.  

Our boy learning to write the letter A

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