
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fall Gardening Tips

The month of September offers cooler weather and moist soils which are ideal conditions for fall planting. Throw on a pair of old jeans, grab a sweatshirt and get out there!

fall apple

Late summer into early autumn is the best time for dividing the perennials which normally bloom in spring and early summer such as hosta, daises, tick seed, and cone flower. 

Plant trees and shrubs early enough, prior to the ground freezing to allow enough time for the plants roots to develop. At this time, it is also wise to provide some sort of mulch to all of your plants to help protect them from winters harsh weather. 

plant a tree in Fall
Plant a tree, or two.

Start preparing for the first frost by digging up tender bulbs such as cannas, begonias, gladiolus and elephant ears. Discard the tops and store the bulbs, corns, and rhizomes in dry peat moss or saw dust and carefully store away from freezing temperatures.

Bring your house plants indoors before the night time temperatures drop below 50 F.

Deadhead perennials, and discard dead and diseased foliage to reduction spread of infection the following year.

spent cone flower blooms
Dead-head spent blooms or leave as food for the birds

Fall is the best time to plant spring flowering bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, and crocus. Remember to give these bulbs a head start by sprinkling a little organic feed into the hole.

Mid September is a great time to fertilize trees and shrubs.  A generous amount of compost scratched into the soil near the roots is a great alternative to ready made and potentially dangerous fertilizers.

Bird watchers can get one of the best shows of the year.  Make sure to keep your bird feeders full of fresh offerings and maintain a fresh supply of water to help those birds which will be migrating south.

Harvest and dry garden herbs such as basil, thyme, and sage early enough to be used around the Holidays.

Dry thyme from the urban garden
Harvest and dry thyme early enough for use around the holidays.

September can also be a great time to sew fast growing and cold hardy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage and kale!  

Lettuce sprouting in a September garden.
Lettuce sprouting in a September garden.

Whatever you do, get outside and enjoy all that the beginning of Fall has to offer.

Cheers ~ Kevin

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  1. Elegant words.Really september is the month to make our garden as the dream land.Keeping pets away is the risk. pesticides is the good idea but it harms the plant so use natural ways to control pets.

  2. Congrats you individuals are doing with this blog


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