

Hello Friend! 

Thank you for stopping by and visiting us at Our Little Essentials! Please stay awhile and look around. We promise that there is plenty of craziness happening around here to keep you thoroughly entertained!  
This is the story of our life or as we like to call it,  our journey.  What began as a way to document our adventures in backyard chicken keeping with our closest friends and family, quickly evolved into a place that has now been visited by millions of people from around the world (which we think it really exciting stuff)!  Our goal has always been to get back to basics, simplify life, reconnect with the earth and most importantly...with each other.  At Our Little Essentials we garden, we cook, we craft, we homeschool, we create, we photograph, we build, we dream and we love. By sharing our journey we hope to show people that no matter how small your space, how little your money, how basic your camera, how simple your tools or how lacking your skills,  everyone is able to become more self sufficient and experience the joys of growing and creating.

If you would like to reach us, send us an email at any time!


  1. Good Afternoon. A client of mine introduced me to your website. It's very informative and looks very fun. She noted that our office was not listed as a Veterinarian in Virginia that sees chickens, geese, ducks, quail, and any other pet bird. Here's the information if we can be added to the list:
    Grafton Animal Hospital 449 Grafton Drive Yorktown, VA 23692 (757) 898-8433
    Please contact me if you need any other information. Thank you.

    1. We will gladly add you! Thank you for informing us and for all that you do.

  2. I am new to your blog, but I feel like I'm visiting a familiar, homey place. I think I'll take a walk around and, if you don't mind, I'd like one of those inside out pies and a mug of caramel apple cider?

  3. what brand has worked the best for you in the DIY scentsy?

    1. what brand of candles that is.

    2. Hi,
      I am the Casting Director for Doomsday Preppers on Nat Geo TV. We are still casing for our show. Our goal is to educate our viewers about preparedness and provide important prepping takeaways. I came across your information and was hoping that you would be interested in speaking with me about the casting call. This is such a great opportunity for any prepper.
      Please email me at
      Or Call 212 784 7740 ext 233
      I look forward to hearing back from you!

      My best,
      Brooklyn Bagwell

  4. You two are so cute, your husband really has a light in his eyes.
    -animal hospital antioch il

  5. I was reading your info on "Polish eyes". We have 2 young hens that seem to have this same issue and we don't know what it is. What was the outcome of treating your birds with VetRx?

  6. Hi Kevin: I am trying to make your gravity chicken feeder. You specify to use
    Schedule 35 PVC Waste Water Pipe. Why? I have obtained all the parts but none
    of the Hardware Stores carries the Schedule 35 Pipe. They offer Schedule 40
    Pipe but maybe that would not work. Does it have to be Schedule 35 Pipe?
    Thank you for your Idea and any help with my question. Fred

    1. Schedule 40 is thicker and the parts do not fit appropriately. Look for a plumbing supply house by you.

  7. Those pictures are gorgeous! Love this blog :)

  8. Hello! I just came across your site and love the information - homeschooling and homesteading are two things (adventures) very close to my heart.
    I am in my mid-twenties and getting married in a few months. I dream to one day home-school-stead, but my fiance and I are far from owning our own house and land. (His - soon to be our- apartment is teeny tiny, but is surrounded by the owner's beautiful rural land.)
    Do you have any advice for starting (small)? I would like to learn how to can, but fear poisoning us! I am researching as much as I can and will look into having a relationship with local farms after the wedding (I'll be moving 750 miles away, so I'll have to start from scratch in terms of connections) Any tips at all would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and adventures with the rest of the world!


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